Emmaville Store, circa 1969

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lotsa Orange

First light - Opening morning
Lotsa orange around, deer hanging in trees - must be deer season in Emmaville! We're in full swing here, cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner for hungry hunters, selling coffee, caramel rolls and flashlight batteries, and providing lubrication for the telling of stories by successful (and unsuccessful) hunters and assorted deer camp philosophers.

The end of a long day for Clayton

This week marks our first anniversary as owners of Emmaville, and what a ride it's been. Not sure how many wagers were made on us making it the first year, but we like our odds going forward. 

We're thankful for all our customers who have come to rely on Emmaville again for their gas and groceries. More so, we are blessed by all the new friendships we have gained over the past year.  We have been wandering around the country for 30 years looking for a place where we belong - it's great to be a part of this community - it's great to be home!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS!! (And anyone else who likes good, home cooking).

To better serve the deer hunting public, Emmaville will have extended hours during Deer Season:

                         Store Hours:     Café Hours:                           
Thur, 11/3       7 am – 10 pm    7 am – 9 pm

Fri, 11/4          7 am – 10 pm    7 am – 9 pm                                 

Sat, 11/5         4 am – 10 pm    4 am – 9 pm                              
                                                  (Breakfast Buffet)
Sun, 11/6        4 am – 10 pm    4 am – 9 pm                                
                                                  (Breakfast Buffet)
Mon, 11/7                                                 
thru                7 am – 10 pm     7 am - 9 pm
Sat, 11/12 

               Hunters Supper Specials
                 (Everyone welcome!)

Mon: Meatloaf                                    $8.95
Tue: Taco Buffet                                $7.95
Wed: Spare Ribs
   & Sauer Kraut                                 $8.95
Thur: Fried Chicken                           $8.95
Fri: Wild Alaska Salmon                   $9.95
Sat: Green Chile Cheeseburgers        $6.95

 Appetizers and Grill Items also available