Emmaville Store, circa 1969

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

TACO _________ is back!

Tonight, Emmaville is bringing back a customer favorite: TACO ________. Only we can't call it that anymore. We used to be able to call it TACO _________, but we got a letter from Taco John's corporate counsel telling us to cease and desist. Apparently, Taco John has a trademark on TACO _________.

Not wanting to infringe on Mr. John's business, we agreed to change the name TACO ________. We thought about trying "TACO NOT MONDAY" or TACO DAY BEFORE WEDNESDAY", but testing with our focus group indicated this might be confusing to customers.

Our focus group.

So, we finally decided to call it "TUESDAY TACO BUFFET" with the hopes that Mr. John and his counsel will not object.

We hope you will join us every Tuesday night from 5 to 8 pm. But if you end up at Taco John for TACO ________, we'll understand.

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